Many sitting in our churches have had one or more abortions. How can the church help these people heal?

I’ve come to believe that the enemy’s victory in the area of abortion, is not just the 63+ million lives lost, but rather the lost voice of the healed and forgiven church.

Jesus said, “If you continue in my Word, you really are my disciples. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31b-32 The church is God’s plan for life. And we, the church, have the opportunity to help set people free, to change what Satan has meant for evil. We have the opportunity to open the door for women & men to speak about the pain of abortion. We have the opportunity to expose darkness to the light. This step has a purpose far beyond opening old wounds or airing our dirty laundry for others to see. The purpose of sharing our past pain & sin is to point the way to hope, healing, recovery, and freedom.

God never intended for us to struggle alone. People need one another and are designed for relationships. Amazing things occur when 2 or more people grasp hands and hearts and share their pain together.

Hurt people, hurt people. When those injured by abortion find forgiveness, healing, and wholeness they break the cycle of hurting others as well as themselves. Families can be restored, marriages can be saved, and churches can be made whole again.

As I have ministered to thousands of women, I have seen the trend of the missing voice of the church. Although we’ve heard many sermons that rightfully reveal God’s Word about life, we’ve heard far fewer messages about the path to restoration and healing after abortion. A great place of power comes in healing in and through the church.

Galatians 6:1b tells us, “You who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently.” It is the church’s responsibility to provide a safe environment in which restoration and reconciliation can occur.

I’ve seen pregnancy center volunteers come from the church who are willing to share their abortion stories and restoration with strangers, but never reveal the truth to Christian friends, Pastors, or even family members. Many men & women continue to believe that abortion is the unmentionable sin, thereby leaving the truth of God’s restorative power hidden underneath the pews.

After all these years of ministry, I still find that although statistics tell us that 7 in 10 of those who have had abortions identify as Christians, the testimony of Christians who have been forgiven and set free from the heartbreak of a past abortion continues to be a soft cry instead of a mighty roar.

Now more than ever, we are in desperate need for the word of our testimony declaring the truth about abortion, God’s redemptive healing, and a clear plan of restoration & hope.


  • Educate and equip Pastors, ministry leaders, Christian counselors, and caregivers about abortion and the aftermath it causes
  • Readily and openly display your church’s availability and minister to those affected by abortion through visible literature, website paths, abortion healing Bible studies, testimonies, and open communication both inside & outside the church
  • Allow those who have been healed to champion pro-life causes in your community, state, and nation that will allow the world to hear God’s truth about abortion from a biblical perspective and a love-based voice
  • Support and encourage those in your church family who are willing to share and offer Bible studies, this is a lonely and tough ministry and they need your encouragement and open endorsement
  • Support your local pregnancy resource center and abortion healing efforts with your prayers, finances, and volunteers

Click HERE to get our Church Resource Booklet, This PDF booklet contains valuable information to inform the church about the impact of abortion and what they can do to help and bring the hope of healing to their own church family.

Surrendering the Secret offers healing resources, training and support, and a connection to healing groups led by our Certified Leaders. This ministry was created for such a time as this and we would be honored to help you. Visit to send us a message today.