5 Things You Can Do to Help Your Church Reach Those Hurt by Abortion

5 Things You Can Do to Help Your Church Reach Those Hurt By Abortion

1)   Educate and equip pastors, ministry leaders, students, Christian counselors and caregivers about abortion and its aftermath.

2)   Openly display your churches availability to minister to those affected by abortion through visible literature, website paths, Bible Studies, testimonies and open communication both inside and outside the church.

3)   Allow those who have been healed to lead church based political action and to be the church voice in your community, state and nation. This will allow the world to hear God’s truth about abortion from a Biblical perspective and love based voice.

4)   Support and encourage those who in your church family who are willing to share and offer a Bible Studies. This is lonely and tough ministry, they need your encouragement and open endorsement.

5)   Support your local pregnancy resource center and post abortion recovery efforts with you prayers, finances and volunteers.


“The first chapter of Genesis is the account of God’s creative actions as he originated all things. In Genesis 1:26 we read the words of the Godhead, speaking together, “Let us make man in our Our image” Never before has such a statement appeared in scripture, nor will it ever appear related to animal, plant or any other life that might be in the planetary spaces. This is limited to human life. Only human life-by God’s design-possesses the image of God” (Charles Swindoll, Sanctity of Life: The Inescapable Issue (Nashville: Word Publishing 1990)