Debora Wilbourn

debora_wilbournOrganization: First Baptist Church
Phone: 575-513-1282

In 1973, at the age of 19, Debora lost her first child to abortion. The decision was made in fear and without understanding of the life that was growing inside her. Although she was raised in a Christian home and had accepted Jesus as her Savior at the age of 11, she still chose to end the life of her own child.

For almost 30 years, Debora refused to deal with this part of her past, but God began to gently lead her to a place of repentance and then a desire to reach out to other women who had walked the same road. Living in rural New Mexico there were no post-abortion recovery programs available for her to participate in at the time, however, Debora felt strongly that she needed to receive that kind of healing. Surrendering the Secret bible study and DVD series was published by Lifeway and released for sale in January 2008. Debora learned about this study through her church’s statewide publication, bought the kit and worked through it on her own that summer. In September of 2008, she introduced the study to her home church and began an abortion recovery ministry there.

Debora believes that God has given her three distinct areas of ministry:

  1. To lead those affected by abortion to an understanding of God’s forgiveness and grace for ALL their sin
  2. To introduce them to Jesus, the One who brings the forgiveness, healing and wholeness
  3. To mobilize a compassionate army of Believers who will lead the way in spreading the truth about abortion and protection of the pre-born

In carrying out these areas of ministry, Debora has also been led to mentor and teach those persons who might also want to minister to the post-abortive in our country and across the world.

Currently, in addition to facilitating Surrendering the Secret bible study groups, Debora serves as a National Leader for NM, AZ, UT, NV, ID, and AK, and as the International Outreach Team Leader for Surrendering the Secret International. She has also has recently joined Life International as an International Training Specialist to teach abortion recovery curriculum in countries outside the United States.

Debora resides in Artesia, NM, and has been a resident of southeastern/south central New Mexico her entire life. She is a wife and a mother to two children in heaven, two beautiful grown daughters and three precious grandchildren.