Trisha’s journey to Surrendering the Secret began with the confession of her own abortion to her children. Their response was love and understanding. She began to see that her abortion choice and keeping this a secret for over 20 years had affected her marriage, parenting, confidence, really every area of her life. The truth is abortion hurts women and creates a soul wound that time does NOT heal. Loving the church, she still knows that the church is a difficult place to admit failure. Many Christian women chose abortion, at least partially to avoid facing the church, and still hesitate to let God use their secret. The need is great for healing among Christians who bear this secret. Tricia is absolutely surrendered to bringing the message of truth, hope, and freedom from shame. “It is for FREEDOM Christ has set us free!” Gal 5:1. As a wife, mother, and grandmother, Tricia prays for abortion to end in our nation. She is trusting God with her story to change what was meant for evil to good, for the saving of many lives. Tricia states, “May her grandchildren never know the horror of abortion as a legal practice against women and against life! It is a privilege and honor to lead Surrendering the Secret groups and to train others in this healing ministry.”